
– Requirement for surveyors to submit GML files – correction of position

Dear surveying contractors!

I hereby inform you that due to a misinterpretation of the process of updating the EGiB database with the results of geodetic works consisting in the preparation of a map with a design of property division, which requires approval by an administrative decision or a court ruling, in the Information on the requirement to submit data files in GML format for updating the relevant resource databases, published on 20. 04.2023 in the news of the PZGiK Portal, an unjustified requirement was recorded for the contractor to take into account an additional stage of work – updating the EGiB (the purpose of the work resulting from Article 12.1.3.l of the Pgikik Act), preceding the development of the map with the design of division.

The position on this issue was based on an incorrect assumption that updating the EGiB on the basis of a single GML “partition” file would involve the simultaneous introduction of data updated as a result of the adoption of boundaries and new boundary points and lines approved by a court decision/order. Thus, the procedure set out in § 30 of the Regulation on the EGiB, which describes in detail the grounds, sequence and effects of the activities related to the verification of the subdivision survey and the updating of the EGiB database on its basis, was not properly taken into account.

In this situation, I am immediately withdrawing the erroneous recommendation, which could have been a source of various inconveniences, including unjustified additional activities resulting from the issuance of verification protocols against it with negative results without a real legal basis.

I would like to thank my fellow surveyors very much for aptly drawing attention to the inappropriate conduct of the authority in charge of the pzgik, counting, as before, on further constructive exchange of views in matters important for the surveying environment, which are affected by the actions of the surveying administration at the district level. To sum up, the content of the map with the subdivision design, similarly as other resulting documents, should consist of information about registered objects taking into account their update within the framework of the study, and the issuance of certified documents by the GODGiK to the ordering party will constitute confirmation of the EGiB database update on the basis of relevant documents included in the technical report and the modifying GML file.

Jacek Kmita
Head of the Geodesy and Cartography Department

Projekt pn. „Cyfryzacja i standaryzacja danych powiatowego zasobu geodezyjnego i kartograficznego w Jastrzębiu-Zdroju
podstawą rozwoju wysokiej jakości elektronicznych usług publicznych opartych na geoinformacji” współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2014-2020 Oś Priorytetowa II Cyfrowe Śląskie, Działanie 2.1 Wsparcie rozwoju cyfrowych usług publicznych.

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